Critics demand improved quality of registration dossiers for the EU's regulation of chemicals; industry offers voluntary action plan

Improvement of REACH Registration Dossiers

A Safe Way to Nitriles
Asymmetric hydrocyanation of alkenes without cyanide reagents gives synthetic chemists more pleasure in synthesizing nitriles

Printing on Water
Inkjet printing of self-supporting structured objects onto liquid surfaces

Behind the Science: How to Store Hydrogen
Cordula Buse talked to Karsten Müller, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, about the state of hydrogen storage technologies

100th Anniversary: Death of Lord Rayleigh
Nobel Laureate co-discovered argon and explained the phenomenon of Rayleigh scattering

Research and Art Benefit from Each Other
Experiences with an art exhibition held at SETAC Europe’s Annual Meeting in Helsinki, Finland

Pharmaceutical Production with Reduced Waste
Platform technology for producing cephalosporin antibiotics

Milestone for Structural Chemistry
Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) now contains one million crystal structures

Mordecai Rabinovitz (1933 – 2019)
Professor Emeritus at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, passed away

Guess the Chemist (90)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?