Dr. Karl Jousten, PTB Germany, on optical methods for pressure measurement and a new realization of the pressure unit pascal

The New Pascal

If You Pollute, You Have to Pay
Eva Karlsson, CEO Houdini Sportswear, about what a small company can achieve with creativity and the right partners

Carsten Schmuck (1968 – 2019)
German organic chemist passed away

Maurizio Botta (1950 – 2019)
Italian medicinal chemist passed away

Two-in-One Contrast Agent for Medical Imaging
Bimodal probe made from a contrast agent for MRI and a dye for photoacoustic imaging

Swarming Gold Nanoparticles
Chemotactic movement by a swarm of bacteria-mimicking nanoswimmers

100th Birthday: Primo Levi
Italian Jewish chemist, writer, and Holocaust survivor

175th Anniversary: Death of John Dalton
English chemist pioneered modern atomic theory

IUPAC 2019 in Paris
Bringing scientists from around the world together

The Art of Sensing within the Skin
Dermal tattoo sensors for the detection of blood pH change and metabolite levels