A compilation of articles on chemistry in the movies

Chemistry & Cinema

Electron Spin Used Instead of Chiral Reagent
Novel mechanism for carrying out enantioselective reactions without the need for chiral reagents or catalysts

Sir Henry’s Secret Pot of Gold – Part 3
How Henry Bessemer would advise modern entrepreneurs and how he smartly outwitted his competitors

Titan on Earth – Icy Formation of Polycyclic Organics
Aromatics can be efficiently synthesized via galactic cosmic ray exposure of low-temperature acetylene ices on Titan’s surface

To Generate Innovations
Marion Paolini just finished her postdoc in one of the most well-known biotechnology labs and speaks about mentoring and innovation

Equilibrating Equality – The Current Situation of LGBTQ Scientists
Being part of a sexual or gender minority in the sciences

Guess the Chemist (95)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Equilibrating Equality – Twelve LGBTQ Chemists Share Their Experiences
Highlighting chemists who have contributed to the visibility initiative "500 Queer Scientists"

Post-Lithium Technology
High-energy-density polymeric cathode for fast-charge sodium- and multivalent-ion batteries

Anti-Cancer Immune System Upgrade
Nanoparticles act as artificial enzymes in catalytic immunotherapy