First Russian female doctor in chemistry

100th Anniversary: Death of Julia Lermontova

Pathways toward Post-Petrochemistry
Electroreduction of carbon monoxide for the highly selective production of ethylene

Separating Illicit Drugs with MagLev
Magneto-Archimedes levitation (MagLev) could complement or even replace other portable drug identification techniques

Werner Kutzelnigg (1933 – 2019)
Prominent theoretical chemist passed away

Hungarian Focus on the Periodic Table
Highlighting special issue of ChemPubSoc Europe's national membership magazines

Minor Contributors Count as Much as Heroic Discoverers
Interview with E. Scerri about his fascination for the periodic system, how discoveries are made, and what makes Mendeleev unique

The Chemistry of Superheavy Elements
C. E. Düllmann, GSI Darmstadt, gives insight into the chemistry of short-lived, superheavy atoms

Studying Superheavy Elements
M. Block, GSI Darmstadt, gives an insight into the physics of short-lived, superheavy atoms

Bilingual Molecule Begins to Talk
Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) combines two biological information systems

How Endangered Orchids Trick Wasps
Deceptive orchids mimic the sex pheromones of the female insect to attract male pollinators