CasaXPS Short Course

CasaXPS was written for those who routinely work with XPS/ESCA spectra and offers user-friendly data processing. CasaXPS contains file converters for converting manufacturers’ file formats into the ISO standard data format, so data from different instruments can be processed using the same versatile software. Spectra from different datasets or different instruments can also be combined into a new file for better comparison. The results of data processing, such as curve fitting and quantitative analysis, are tabulated and made available in a convenient format.

The course is taught in a hands-on environment, so attendees can learn how to use the software’s features. It will include an overview of the features in CasaXPS, including converting data in different file formats into the ISO standard format, different display modes, different peak identification and labeling methods, different background subtraction methods, peak areas, sensitivity factors, and their linked databases. It will also cover quantitative analysis using default transitions and user-selected transitions, quantitative analysis when peaks from different elements overlap, adding and subtracting spectra, curve fitting, selection of lineshapes and backgrounds, curve fitting using reference spectra, combining curve fit data into quantitative analysis tables, correcting the energy scale for sample charging, propagating processed data to other data, depth profile data, least squares fitting, customizing CasaXPS, etc.

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