Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Engineering


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have had in the recent past a tremendous impact on chemical engineering. On the long run they can radically change the way in which we perform research on chemical processes, we design, scale-up and optimize chemical reactors and pieces of equipment and they can potentially introduce new paradigms on chemical process control and operation.

This meeting will bring together some visionary speakers to set out the potential and the challenges. There will be the opportunity to discuss the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, deep learning and machine learning, as well as their applications to process modelling, control and the building of digital twins.



  • Artur Schweidtmann
    Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • Mattia Vallerio
    Syensqo, Milano, Italy
  • Mathieu Cura
    Optimistik, Chambery, France
  • Alessandro di Pretoro
    ENSIACET/Laboratoire de Génie Chimique, Toulouse, France
  • Thibaut Neveux
    EDF Lab, Chatou, France
  • Anna Jaeggi
    ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Florence Vermeire
    KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Massimiliano Villone
    University of Naples Federico II, Italy
  • Maurizio De Micco
    University of Naples Federico II, Italy



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