Student lab informs about chemical changes in food and increases awareness of food waste
Highlighting notable research, institutions, individuals, personal experiences, ethical questions, and issues such as diversity and inclusion.
With Science against Food Waste
Giacomo Ciamician (1857 – 1922)
Italian chemist and pioneer of photochemistry died 100 years ago
How to Bring Young Chemists Together Online
A look behind the scenes of organizing an attractive virtual conference
Are Eco-Friendly Fireworks Possible?
A great deal of time and effort has been invested in recent years to make pyrotechnics less problematic
Isabella Karle (1921 – 2017)
U.S. chemist known for her work on X-ray crystallography and the Manhattan Project
150th Anniversary: Death of Adolph Strecker
Chemist well-known for the Strecker amino acid synthesis
50th Anniversary: Death of Arne Tiselius
Chemistry Nobel Laureate honored for his research on electrophoresis
Motivating Students to Take Part in Competitions
B. S. Krishnamoorthy, India, wants to inspire his students to use the internet for information and networking right from the start
100th Birthday: Robert G. Parr
American theoretical chemist co-authored one of the most highly cited chemistry papers of all time
125th Birthday: Gerty Cori
Nobel Laureate known for the co-discovery of the Cori cycle and the Cori ester