Seawater brines are an enormous potential source of minerals and metals - first discoveries
Highlighting notable research, institutions, individuals, personal experiences, ethical questions, and issues such as diversity and inclusion.

Can Brine from Seawater Desalination Plants Be a Source of Critical Metals?

Know Thy Carbs! Safer Carbohydrate Detection Methods for School Labs – Part 2
Improved detection reactions for carbohydrates

150th Birthday: Georges Urbain
French chemist discovered the element lutetium

Know Thy Carbs! Safer Carbohydrate Detection Methods for School Labs – Part 1
Historical carbohydrate detection reactions and a new method for wet lab lactose detection

75th Anniversary: Death of Victor Goldschmidt
Mineralogist considered one of the founders of modern geochemistry

The Limits of Growth
50 to 60 years ago, the global environmental movement began with Silent Spring, the Club of Rome, the first Earth Day

What Does a Neutrino Weigh?
Any idea?

February 7–8, 1922: An Important Night for Physicists And Chemists
What happened during this night in 1922?

150th Birthday: Lafayette B. Mendel
American biochemist known for the co-discovery of vitamin A

With Science against Food Waste
Student lab informs about chemical changes in food and increases awareness of food waste