Beautiful natural phenomenon caused by the interaction between charged particles from the Sun and the Earth's atmosphere
Highlighting notable research, institutions, individuals, personal experiences, ethical questions, and issues such as diversity and inclusion.

The Chemistry Behind the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights

Charles Friedel and the Accidental Discovery of an Important Reaction
French chemist co-discovered the Friedel–Crafts reactions with James Mason Crafts

Gustav Kirchhoff – Colored Flames, Prisms, and Element Discovery
German physicist co-founded spectral analysis and co-discovered caesium and rubidium together with Robert Bunsen

1000xChemistry – Creative Storytelling in 1000 Words
The winning stories from the 2nd Chemistry Culture Dissemination Essay Contest of the Italian Chemical Society

Helen Murray Free and a Breakthrough in At-Home Diabetes Testing
American chemist developed diagnostic test strips with her research partner and husband, Alfred Free, revolutionizing self-testing for diabetes and other diseases

Gertrude B. Elion and the “Antiviral Odyssey”
American Nobel Laureate, biochemist, and pharmacologist co-developed groundbreaking drugs for leukemia, herpes, and organ transplant rejection

Molecules of Love
Molecules such as adrenaline, dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin are involved in romantic feelings

Carolina MacGillavry and the Determination of Crystal Structures
Dutch chemist and crystallographer known for her discoveries on the use of diffraction in crystallography

100 Years of the Association of Greek Chemists (1924 – 2024)
A brief history of chemistry in Greece and the Greek chemical society

Chemical Recycling – A Key Technology for the Circular Economy
Chemolysis and pyrolysis are promising processes for cases in which mechanical recycling is not effective—an introduction and examples from Covestro