Aspirin was first made in 1897 and is the most widely used medicine in the world, so how does it remain an exciting drug?
Highlighting notable research, institutions, individuals, personal experiences, ethical questions, and issues such as diversity and inclusion.

Exciting Aspirin

50 Years of Organikum – Amazing Impact of a Practical Course Book
With over 400,000 copies, the book has strongly affected the basic university education in organic chemistry

Bonding Beyond Borders: The Nozoe Autograph Books
The first entry was on July 19, 1953; the last on October 16, 1994. 15,065 days. That was the lifespan of Tetsuo Nozoe’s autograph book

Young Chemists at EuCheMS Chemistry Congress in Prague
Not only renowned scientists, but a lot of young chemists from different countries gave talks at the EuCheMS Congress in Prague

Introducing the European Young Chemist Network (EYCN)
The EYCN supports chemists as they begin their careers, with activities aimed at developing soft skills and broadening career possibilities

Introducing BIOCORE – The Biorefinery Feasibility Project
The EU 7th Framework Project looks at the industrial feasibility of turning biomass into fuels, chemical intermediates, polymers, and materials

Roots of our Practice of Science
Banska Stiavnica, Banská Štavnica, Schemnitz, or Selmecbánya, a town with a lively political history and groundbreaking for science

Society Journals Leading the Pack
Comparing the 2011 ISI Impact Factors of ChemPubSoc Europe, RSC, and ACS journals

2011 Impact Factors of ChemPubSoc Europe Journals
2011 ISI Impact Factors: 100 % of journals in multidisciplinary category amongst top 20 journals

2011 ISI Journal Impact Factors
Excellent results for Wiley's and Wiley-VCH's 2011 ISI Impact Factors, e.g. new record IF for Angewandte Chemie of 13.455