An overview of the RJ-SCF's work in the first two years
Highlighting notable research, institutions, individuals, personal experiences, ethical questions, and issues such as diversity and inclusion.
French Young Chemists’ Network: Two Years Already!
Updated Atomic Weights: Time to Review Our Table
New and more accurate measurements of isotopic abundances change atomic weights
The Colors of Life
The colors of the living world are produced by a wide variety of mechanisms
Communicating Science Effectively
Presenting knowledge about chemistry for a wide audience in an understandable way
Art + Science Project
Chemistry and art students together worked on topics around photochemistry research
Fresh Wind in the Austrian Young Chemists Section
Strong team represents young chemists towards the Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCH), the chemical industry, and the public
Microalgae – Underestimated All-Rounders
Microalgae have substantially higher biomass productivity compared to terrestrial plants
75th Anniversary: Discovery of Plutonium
Element 94 was first produced and isolated at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory in 1940
Solar Control Coatings for Reduced Energy Consumption
Solar control coatings (SCCs) on glass windows of buildings decrease energy consumption by changing their optical properties
The Nobel Prize
A topical look back on the best of to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the news and information service