Easy universal DNA immobilization on surfaces with a synthetic mussel polymer
An in-depth look at a selected research article and its significance.
Mussel Adhesive for DNA Chips
Increasing Oxygen Delivery
Allosteric Effectors of Human Hemoglobin
Crystallographic Confusion
Two bond or not two bond? That is a question of X-ray crystal structure interpretation, especially for cyclobutadiene
Tunable Plastic Thermometers
Tunable, (super)conductive plastic films made with ion beam and used for electrical resistance thermometers
Oriented Salts for New Materials
Alternating stacks of planar cations and planar dipyrrole-containing anions provides concept for formation of new materials
Writing with a Nanoquill
Dip-pen nanolithography can be used to draw nanopatterns with viruses as the ink
Diels-Alder Diamonds
The surfaces of nanoscopic diamonds have been chemically modified by a Diels-Alder reaction
All Sprayed at Once
One-step process gives cheap and versatile way of producing ultrathin coatings by simultaneous spraying of interacting substances
Surfaces and Interfaces
Innovative techniques allows the study of interfaces with great precision and could lead to rational design of catalytic materials
Holographic Polymer – New Era in 3D Cinema?
Photorefractive polymer used in first quasi-real-time, three dimensional holographic display