Chemical scaffolds guide fluorescing bacteria into precisely defined three-dimensional spiral patterns
An in-depth look at a selected research article and its significance.

Glowing Spirals From Chemical Gradients

Six Steps to Strychnine
The nightmarish effects of strychnine are nothing compared to its systematic name, which hints at how difficult it is to make

Combined Diagnosis and Treatment of Tumors
Gold microcapsules with air-filled cavities act as contrast agent for ultrasound and photothermically activated drug for cancer

Switching Qubits with a Terahertz Source?
Rotational transitions induced in molecules on a chip could have important applications in quantum computing

Small Molecule, Big Role
How the simplest molecule – H2 – governed the cosmological development of our universe

The Lingering Risk of Thirdhand Smoke
Thirdhand smoke re-emitted from surfaces could pose long-term health risk while firsthand smoke does damage in minutes

Diesel from Biomass Waste
Simple, energy-efficient process for producing high-quality fuels from biomass

Dyes: A Light Guide
Holes that are too small to transmit light, can be encouraged to do so with dyes and photon-plasmon coupling

Replacing Batteries with T-Shirts
A micro-supercapacitor that can be woven like a thread could lead to clothing that creates and stores energy

UV Activated Self-Healing Polymer
Material in which capped covalent bonds repeatedly reattach allows fully separated pieces to be fused back together