Natural product from Japanese freshwater fungus targets enzyme involved in type 2 diabetes
An in-depth look at a selected research article and its significance.

Brewing Up a Fungal Treatment for Diabetes

Modular Boronic Acids All Aglow
Boronic acids are very useful building blocks to prepare structurally diverse fluorophores

Acylhydrazones Turn On the Light
A modular approach to tunable photoswitches

Chlorabietols – Novel Compounds From Rare Plants
Plant species native to remote regions of China yields previously unseen chemical skeleton

Chemical Indicator for Alkylating Agents
Towards a real-time sensor for carcinogenic alkylating agents

Biosensors for Protein Toxins
Electrochemical aptamer biosensors that can detect both the botulinum and ricin neurotoxins

Benzene – Clearing the Fog
Measuring the reaction rates of benzene and hydroxyl radicals in fog droplets

The Silvery Life of Pi
Silver−π Interactions measured using molecular torsion balances

Sensing Solvents
Porphyrin-anion supramolecular assemblies with a unique responsive behavior

The Promise of Perovskite
Do the green credentials of perovskite photovoltaics live up to the hype?