Activating non-toxic paracetamol for cancer therapy
An in-depth look at a selected research article and its significance.

Waiting for the Prodrug: An Enzyme–MOF Nanoreactor

Solving Urea's Solubility Problem
Less hygroscopic forms of urea could improve the compound's use in fertilizers

Total Synthesis of Astellatol
First enantiospecific total synthesis of astellatol, a rare pentacyclic sesterterpenoid

The Upper Limits of Oxidation States
Joint theoretical–experimental study reveals a maximum oxidation state near +8 under ambient conditions

Making the Perfect Silver Nanocluster
Nanoparticles with defined shapes and specific numbers of metal atoms

Closing the Polybromide Gap
Polyhalogenides: two tribromides arrange for a hexabromide

Protein Sensing with Photoinduced Electron Transfer
Lighting-up protein–ligand interactions with fluorescent PET (photoinduced electron transfer) sensor designs

Nanomedicine Clearance
Faster renal clearance at higher doses for gold nanoparticles

3D Printing a Carbon Neutral Future
Polymer made from biomass can easily and inexpensively be used in 3D printing

Plant-Inspired Oil/Water Separation
Curved surfaces for the spontaneous separation of microsized water-in-oil drops