Optimizing both power production and transparency by selectively harvesting invisible parts of the solar spectrum
An in-depth look at a selected research article and its significance.

UV/IR-Light Concentrating Molecules for Solar Windows

How Plant Roots Sense Compacted Soil
Restricted ethylene diffusion as a signal for plants

Antimony Nanofilms as Optical Phase Changers
Phase transition of pure antimony allows state switching

Water Electrolyzer for Mars
One of the main challenges for manned Mars expeditions is the need for sufficient oxygen and fuel

Generating True Random Numbers Using DNA Synthesis
Using the stochastic nature of chemistry to perform randomizing tasks

Print Your Own Microscope
Low-cost, open-source, modular, 3D-printed microscopy toolbox

Slit-Shaped Micropores for CO2 Capture
A new synthetic hybrid clay mineral efficiently and selectively captures carbone dioxide from gas streams

Biodismantling Electronic Waste
Bioleaching technology used to remove electronic components from printed circuit boards

The Origin of Diamonds in Meteorites
Micro- and nanodiamonds in ureilite meteorites can be formed by impact shock events

One-Pot Binding, Cleavage, and Reduction of N2 at Room Temperature
Conversion of dinitrogen to ammonium chloride at a main group element