Flavin-inspired covalent organic framework (COF) serves as a selective catalyst
An in-depth look at a selected research article and its significance.

A Promising Green Heterogeneous Photocatalyst

Polymers with Helical Blocks
Forming domains in supramolecular polymers using UV irradiation offers new possibilities for developing functional soft materials

Methane from Carbon Dioxide
Efficient catalyst for the light-driven methanation of carbon dioxide

Liquid Fuels from Carbon Dioxide
Electrocatalyst converts carbon dioxide into multicarbon products

Plenty More Fish in the Sea?
Impact on climate change: The amount of fish, or the amount of fecal matter deposited by fish, may affect how much carbon is sequestered

Hyaluronic Acid with Self-Healing Properties
Shear-thinning could allow use as an injectable lubricant for injured joints

Nickel-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Aromatic Ethers
Reaction proceeds via a nickelate anion

Total Synthesis of Agarozizanol B
Photochemical reaction cascade leads to sesquiterpene

Controlling the Cytokine Storm in COVID-19
SARS-CoV-2 infection causes cells to stop dividing as a stress response, pointing to a drug target

Branched Polyphosphates in Living Cells
Branched polyphosphates have never been found in biological cells - this has led to the general assumption that they simply don’t exist in cells