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Self-Assembled Liposomes Enhance Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction
Photoreduction of CO2 is more successful with membrane-bound catalytic components

Writing with Light on Titania
Rewritable UV-sensitive surfaces made from doped TiO2 nanocrystals

A Step toward a Circular Economy?
Catalytic deconstruction of PET with zirconium metal–organic framework

Controlling Neural Stem Cell Differentiation with MOFs
Platform accelerates differentiation via safe and stable supply of chemicals using metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)

Cathode Based on Active Nitrogen Centre
Sulfonamides make robust cathode material for proton batteries

New Approach for Treating Multiple-Drug Resistant Staphylococcus
Synthetic peptide reduces the virulence of the bacteria by blocking their communication by “quorum sensing”

Sugars Gain Carbon Using Good Old Hydrazine Chemistry
Direct allylation and olefination of carbohydrates

How Is Haze Formed?
Soot as a surprising source of haze-building hydroxyl radicals

Firefly Luminescence Reveals Pesticides
Luciferin synthesis and organophosphate detection by a luminescent enzymatic cascade