Non-invasive small-molecule sensor can target subcellular membranes
An in-depth look at a selected research article and its significance.
Using Fluorophores to Visualize Organelle Membrane Potentials
Early Detection of Prostate Cancer
Fast, uncomplicated, and specific diagnosis from blood samples
Adhesion from Cold to Hot
Supramolecular adhesive with a usable temperature range of 400 °C
Baker’s Yeast Used to Remove Lead from Water
Lead removal at trace concentrations via biosorption
New PET Hydrolase
Enzyme in salivary microbes decomposes PET-based plastics
Tears instead of Blood
Sensor with separation capability: diagnosing jaundice using tear fluids
Plastic Made of Vanillin
Upcycling with light: Biomass-derived crosslinked polymers
More Data in Chemistry
Clearer reporting of negative experimental results would improve reaction planning in chemistry
Self-Assembled Liposomes Enhance Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction
Photoreduction of CO2 is more successful with membrane-bound catalytic components
Writing with Light on Titania
Rewritable UV-sensitive surfaces made from doped TiO2 nanocrystals