Adaptive MOF-based device improves yields and power consumption
An in-depth look at a selected research article and its significance.

Self-Optimizing Device for Atmospheric Water Harvesting

Economical Production of a Biobased PET Alternative
Efficient titanium-based catalyst used to produce polyethylene furandicarboxylate (PEF)

Selective Recognition and Separation of Early Lanthanoid Ions
Encapsulation of a hydrated rare-earth metal ion in a hydrophobic cavity

Using Fluorophores to Visualize Organelle Membrane Potentials
Non-invasive small-molecule sensor can target subcellular membranes

Early Detection of Prostate Cancer
Fast, uncomplicated, and specific diagnosis from blood samples

Adhesion from Cold to Hot
Supramolecular adhesive with a usable temperature range of 400 °C

Baker’s Yeast Used to Remove Lead from Water
Lead removal at trace concentrations via biosorption

New PET Hydrolase
Enzyme in salivary microbes decomposes PET-based plastics

Tears instead of Blood
Sensor with separation capability: diagnosing jaundice using tear fluids

Plastic Made of Vanillin
Upcycling with light: Biomass-derived crosslinked polymers