Bioorthogonal introduction of nitrite ions into cells for cancer therapy
An in-depth look at a selected research article and its significance.

Click Release of Nitrite

Primeval Reaction Pathways
Some reactions in the reverse Krebs cycle can be run under meteorite catalysis

Medicines with Sugar Chains
Native top-down mass spectrometry reveals role of glycans in protein oligomers

Quantum Dots Store Light Energy and Drive Chemical Reactions
ZnSe/ZnS quantum dots as photocatalysts with low toxicity and high efficiency

Crystals Generate Electricity from Heat
Synthetic sulfide mineral with thermoelectric properties

Better than Distillation: Electrochemical Recovery of Homogeneous Catalysts
Metal-based catalyst is adsorbed on the electrode material and recycled

Spectroscopically Controlled Quantum Bits
A molecular multi-qubit model system for quantum computing

Rh Metal Complex Kills Ovarian Cancer Cells
Rhenium tricarbonyl complex with antitumor activity targets Fe-S cluster biogenesis

Artificial Cell Makes Its Own Reaction Compartments
DNA-based artificial cells created using reaction–diffusion waves

Fuel from a Greenhouse Gas
Single gold atoms catalyze the selective methanization of carbon dioxide