Professor of Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, passed away
Tributes and remembrances honoring the lives and contributions of esteemed scientists.

Ronald C. D. Breslow (1931 – 2017)

Gilbert Stork (1921 – 2017)
The name patron of the Stork enamine alkylation passed away

Gérard Férey (1941– 2017)
French chemist and MOF expert passed away

George A. Olah (1927 – 2017)
Chemistry Nobel Laureate famous for his work on carbocations passed away

Jerome A. Berson (1924 – 2017)
Physical organic chemist passed away

Fritz Vögtle (1939 – 2017)
Pioneer of dendrimer chemistry passed away

Leone Spiccia (1957 – 2016)
Italian-Australian chemist passed away

Günther Wilke (1925 – 2016)
Günther Wilke, former director of the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, passed away last week

John D. Roberts (1918 – 2016)
Physical organic chemist and NMR pioneer passed away

Kenneth Stafford William Sing (1925 – 2016)
Professor Ken S. W. Sing: A world-leading authority on the science and technology of adsorption died 3rd October 2016