Mordecai Rubin, one of the founding fathers of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Technion, Israel, has passed away
Tributes and remembrances honoring the lives and contributions of esteemed scientists.
Mordecai Rubin (1926 – 2012)
Nicholas Turro (1938 – 2012)
Professor Nicholas J. Turro, Columbia University, USA, has passed away
Horst Prinzbach (1931 – 2012)
Horst Prinzbach, University of Freiburg, Germany, creator of the world's smallest helium balloon, has passed away
Detlef Schröder (1963 – 2012)
Dr. Detlef Schröder, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Prague, Czech Republic, has passed away
Heinz A. Staab (1926 ‒ 2012)
Heinz A. Staab, former President of the Max Planck Society and GDCh, died on July 29
Richard Neidlein (1930 – 2012)
Richard Neidlein, Heidelberg University, Germany, passed away on July 20
Ernesto Fattorusso (1937 – 2012)
Professor Ernesto Fattorusso, University of Naples, Italy, passed away on July 7, 2012
Ivano Bertini (1940 – 2012)
Ivano Bertini, University of Florence, known for his work on NMR methodologies for studying metalloproteins, passed away last week
William Knowles (1917 – 2012)
William Knowles, winner of the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work on asymmetric hydrogenation reactions, dies aged 95
Welf Bronger (1932 – 2012)
Welf Bronger, RWTH Aachen and former Editor of ZAAC, passed away last week