Marion Paolini just finished her postdoc in one of the most well-known biotechnology labs and speaks about mentoring and innovation
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.

To Generate Innovations

A Fresh View on the History of Science
B. Van Tiggelen and A. Lykknes talk about their book on the unseen contributors to our knowledge

Open-Minded and Adaptable – Working in an International Environment
Interview with young scientists about their experiences in an international job market

The New Pascal
Dr. Karl Jousten, PTB Germany, on optical methods for pressure measurement and a new realization of the pressure unit pascal

If You Pollute, You Have to Pay
Eva Karlsson, CEO Houdini Sportswear, about what a small company can achieve with creativity and the right partners

On the Moon, We Can Look into the Past
Professor Ralf Jaumann, German Aerospace Center, talks about research on and about the Moon

Behind the Science: Calibrating Light Sources for Photochemistry
D. Nolan, ChemPhotoChem, talked to A. Heckel, University of Frankfurt about his work on a new universal chemical actinometer

Behind the Science: How to Store Hydrogen
Cordula Buse talked to Karsten Müller, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, about the state of hydrogen storage technologies

Research and Art Benefit from Each Other
Experiences with an art exhibition held at SETAC Europe’s Annual Meeting in Helsinki, Finland

Great People Don’t Need to Show Off
EuChemS Organic Division President Gianluca Farinola about his fascination for organic chemistry and the importance of young scientists