Dr. Fedor Goumans, Chief Customer Officer, talks about his drive for customer satisfaction and emphasis on advancing technology
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.
Career: As A Chemist at a Computational Software Company
Behind the Science: Using Smart Tomographic Sensors in Process Control
Barbara Boeck talked to Uwe Hampel, Dresden, Germany, about controlled fluid separation with smart process tomography sensors
Supporting Talented Researchers in Chemistry and Biology
Ruben Ragg, ChemBioChem, created ChemBioTalents in 2018 to promote outstanding early career researchers and fight bias
Efficient and Sustainable Resource and Cycle Strategies
Anke Weidenkaff, Fraunhofer IWKS, about circular economy, her research, social media, and the 1st international conference on resource chemistry
Behind the Science: A Dynamic Model for Cellular Membranes
Deanne Nolan talked to Job Boekhoven, Technical University of Munich, Germany, about the self-assembly of dynamic synthetic vesicles
Minor Contributors Count as Much as Heroic Discoverers
Interview with E. Scerri about his fascination for the periodic system, how discoveries are made, and what makes Mendeleev unique
The Chemistry of Superheavy Elements
C. E. Düllmann, GSI Darmstadt, gives insight into the chemistry of short-lived, superheavy atoms
Studying Superheavy Elements
M. Block, GSI Darmstadt, gives an insight into the physics of short-lived, superheavy atoms
Behind the Science: An Unprotected Gearbox is Extremely Hazardous
Anne Deveson talked to John Gladysz, Texas A&M University, USA, about rotaxanes with dimetallic polyynediyl axles
To Generate Innovations
Marion Paolini just finished her postdoc in one of the most well-known biotechnology labs and speaks about mentoring and innovation