Interview with Jenna Juliane Schulte and Manfred Ritz of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI)
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.

Chemical Industry Creates Platform to Achieve Ambitious Climate Targets

Non-Covalent Interactions: Interview with Goar Sánchez-Sanz
Computational insights into these bindings, which are individually quite weak, but stabilize large structures and mediate specific bonding interactions

Exploring the Microbiome on the International Space Station (ISS)
Kasthuri Venkateswaran and Nitin Kumar Singh on their search for extremophiles and how bacteria support plant growth

Interview with Ingmar Hoerr, Pioneer of mRNA Technology
As a Ph.D. student, Hoerr discovered that mRNA can be used as a therapeutic vaccine or agent when administered directly into tissues

Does Climate Change Have an Impact on Cultural Heritage?
Paul Bellendorf, University of Bamberg, on materials and building preservation sciences and the current challenges facing heritage sciences

Success Depends on Doing What You Are Passionate about in Life
Swadhin K. Mandal, India, on his own research, the state of research in India, and what makes a good researcher

World-Changing Moments in Your Own Research
Crispin Lichtenberg, University of Würzburg, on his fascination with and successes in bismuth chemistry

People Who Understand, Value, and Respect Chemistry
Professor D. Rabinovich, USA, on his interest in chemistry stamps, and what it takes to get people excited about chemistry

Opening Doors for Young People and Inspiring Future Generations
Monika Jerigova, President of the Slovak Chemical Society (SCHS), about chemistry in her home country and what has inspired her throughout her career

Chemistry Public Outreach in the Time of COVID-19
Interview with Soledad Martínez and Adalgisa Martínez-Silveira from Uruguay