Peter Vollhardt on exciting chemistry, why he's no longer allowed in the lab, and quality versus quantity
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.

Peter Vollhardt: In Pursuit of a Parking Space

Winner of the First iPad
Professor Hee Yoon Lee, KAIST, Korea, is the December winner of the campaign: Register for ChemViews Newsletter & Win an iPad

Buzzi-Ferraris and Manenti Talk About Their New Book
Find out why a library of numerical methods is like your car, being co-authors is similar to being married, teaching numerical methods is fun for students

M. Bahadir on Sustainable Water Management
Müfit Bahadir speaks about sustainable global water management, student mobility, international cooperations and the Exceed Project

Ada Yonath: Scientists Don’t Usually Throw Eggs
Ada Yonath on why it’s better to be a science star than a pop star, her work, and science in small countries

It's A Lot Of Plastic That Has To Be Produced!
Frantisek Svec talks about plastics, separtaion sciences, the latest CET topical issue, the Molecular Foundry, societies and the web

Enzo Alessio on Italian National Congress
Enzo Alessio talks about organizing the Congress of the SCI's Inorganic Division and inorganic chemistry in general

Experiences from Seoul
What is a Post-Doc in Korea like? Eun Hea (Grace) Jho about her experiences

Interview with C. N. R. Rao
C. N. R. Rao talks to ChemViews about naomaterials, research in India, and the EurJIC special issue of which he is the guest editor

Chemistry – The Creative Force
Chemistry conferences like the Football Champions League? The organizers of the 3rd EuCheMS Congress think so