Uwe Freiherr von Lukas, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Rostock, talks about Germany's first science soap
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.
Go Beyond Traditional Ways
Career: As a Chemist in Industry
Dr. Florencio Zaragoza, Lonza AG, Visp, Switzerland, talks about his experiences in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry
Behind the Science: Phthalocyanine-based Nanocages
Dr. Kate Lawrence talks to Professor Sun about his article on phthalocyanine (Pc)-based nanocages
Poetry and Chemistry
Professor Mario Markus, scientist, artist, author, and poet, talks about what science can offer to art and how art can benefit science
Career: As A Chemist Coaching Managers
Dr. Gaby Schilling talks about her motivation to support people in their career and the challenges involved
Avram Hershko: Curiosity and Persistence
Nobel Laureate Avram Hershko discusses how curiosity, choosing the right research, and persistence work as a general principle for success
Dan Shechtman: Succeeding in Science
Nobel Laureate Dan Shechtman talks about the reason why quasicrystals weren't discovered earlier and his unerring belief in his experiments
Ei-ichi Negishi on his Research and Life
Nobel Laureate Ei-ichi Negishi shares some secrets of his life and research when visiting Wiley-VCH office
Career: As A Chemist at the European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
Tatiana Santos, Senior Policy Officer, talks about her job that involves influencing policymaking and giving advice about sustainable chemistry
The Challenges of Regulating Nanomaterials
Dr. Otto Linher, European Commission, talks about the challenges of defining and regulating nanomaterials