9 tips to successfully turn discoveries into an everyday reality
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.

How to Become an Academic Entrepreneur

Make Chemistry More Attractive
Dr. Thomas Geelhaar, the new President of the GDCh, will focus on working towards better acceptance of chemistry in society

Behind the Science: Small-Molecule Proteomimetic Inhibitors
Dr. M. Campbell, Associate Editor for ChemBioChem, talks to Professor A. Wilson, University of Leeds, UK, about his recent article

Analytical Trends of the Food Industry
Dr. Suman, Barilla, and Dr. Biasioli, Fondazione Edmund Mach, talk about analytical chemistry and recent trends

Behind the Science: Stereoselective N–H Insertion-Arylation Reactions of Nitrodiazoesters
Dr. R. Threlfall talks to Professor A. Mattson about her article on stereoselective N–H insertion-arylation reactions of nitrodiazoesters

Liliana Mammino: Research and Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
Professor Liliana Mammino, South Africa, speaks about promoting the development of computational chemistry in Africa

Behind the Science: Copolymerization of Metal Nanoparticles
Dr. Jonathan Faiz talks to Professor Eugenia Kumacheva about her article on the assembly of metal nanoparticles

Win-Win Situation for Industry and Academia
Dr. Anton A. Kiss, AkzoNobel, talks about separation technology, process intensification, and process systems engineering

Behind the Scenes of the Wonderlab Cartoon
Interview with Sophie Lin, a chemist in Taiwan, who started drawing the Wonderlab Cartoon Series for ChemistryViews.org in 2010

Gautam Desiraju: Follow Your Convictions
G. Desiraju, India, talks about inspiring scientists, future hopes, the situation in India, and the International Year of Crystallography