Chemistry – An Asian Journal speaks with Klaus Müllen about 10 years ago and now
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.
10 Years Ago And Now: Klaus Müllen
Behind the Science: Treatment of Caries with Silver Nanocomposites
Dr. Spiniello, ChemPlusChem, talks to Dr. Meledandri, University of Otago, New Zealand, about her recent article
10 Years Ago And Now: Insung S. Choi
Chemistry – An Asian Journal speaks with Insung S. Choi about 10 years ago and now
10 Years Ago And Now: Daniel Gryko
Chemistry – An Asian Journal speaks with Daniel Gryko about 10 years ago and now
10 Years Ago And Now: Qichun Zhang
Chemistry – An Asian Journal speaks with Qichun Zhang about 10 years ago and now
10 Years Ago And Now: Atsuhiro Osuka
Chemistry – An Asian Journal speaks with Atsuhiro Osuka about 10 years ago and now
Career: As a Chemist at a Chemical Society
Dr. Karin Schmitz talks about how she came to work at the German Chemical Society (GDCh) and why communication is an important skill for her work
10 Years Ago And Now: Yusuke Yamauchi
Chemistry – An Asian Journal speaks with Yusuke Yamauchi about 10 years ago and now
10 Years Ago And Now: Hideki Yorimitsu
Chemistry – An Asian Journal speaks with Hideki Yorimitsu about 10 years ago and now
Behind the Science: Non-Invasive Probing of Nanoparticle Electrostatics
Dr. Lawrence, ChemElectroChem, talks to Professor Compton, Oxford University, UK, about his recent article