Alice Meadows, Communications Director ORCID, about the value of ORCID for researchers and organizations
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.

ORCID – Unique Author Identifier

Replacing Vaccine Injections with a Tablet
Dr. Adrian Sprenger, Bionicure, talks about injectable drug depots and the challenges of science start-ups

Behind the Science: New Production Concepts in the Chemical Industry
Dr. Barbara Boeck, Editor-in-Chief of Chemie Ingenieur Technik, talks to Dr. Stefan Lier, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

Using Chemistry to Support Global Sustainability
Dr. Zoey R. Herm, winner of the Reaxys PhD Prize, on her research, fascination for chemistry, and future plans

Process Safety – Industry-Wide Discipline
S. Kadri, Executive Director of the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) on improving industrial process safety worldwide

Behind the Science: Engineering Enzymes
Cordula Buse, ChemBioEng Reviews, talks to Professor Rey-Ting Guo about enzyme design and engineering

Catalysis, Enzymes, and Transition Metals in Organic Chemistry
Jan-Erling Bäckvall, Stockholm University, speaks about his research and trends in organic chemistry

Our Standard Of Living Is Due To The Achievements of Chemistry
Herbert Ipser, President of the Austrian Chemical Society, on the importance of chemical societies and the situation in Austria

First Female President of the Hungarian Chemical Society
Newly re-elected President, Livia Sarkadi, about chemistry in Hungary, her experience in societal work, and women in chemistry

Communication Along the Supply Chain
Dr. Erika Kunz, Clariant, talks about the importance of supply-chain management and what it means for an international company