Connor W. Coley, MIT, USA, about the potential and concerns of AI in chemistry and ideas to try or experiment with
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.

Be Open-Minded and Skeptical at the Same Time

Outpacing a Lifetime of Chemist’s Work in a Day with AI
Aleksandar Kondinski, Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education in Singapore Ltd., about the potential and concerns of AI in chemistry and ideas to try or experiment with

I Guess I Fear Humans More than Technology
Anat Milo, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, about the potential and concerns of AI in chemistry and ideas to try or experiment with

AI Might Be a Second Brain, Not a Replacement Brain
David Flanagan, Senior Director, Generative AI Product Strategy, Wiley, about the potential and concerns of AI in chemistry and ideas to try or experiment with

Great Help for Processing Large Amounts of Data
Lee Cronin, University of Glasgow, UK, about the potential and concerns of AI in chemistry and ideas to try or experiment with

A Comprehensive Digital Mirror of Reality
Markus Kraft, University of Cambridge, UK, about the potential and concerns of AI in chemistry and ideas to try or experiment with

Building an App in Two Minutes
Xiaonan Wang, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China, about the potential and concerns of AI in chemistry and ideas to try or experiment with

Open Alternatives and Corporate Accountability in AI
Johannes Margraf, University of Bayreuth, Germany, about the potential and concerns of AI in chemistry and ideas to try or experiment with

Consistent Application Leads to Surprising Results and Reveals the Potential of AI
Gisbert Schneider, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, about the potential and concerns of AI in chemistry and ideas to try or experiment with

Making AI Think and Speak Like a Chemist
Aleksandar Kondinski and Xiaochi Zhou on reliable AI systems in chemistry such as Marie and OntoMOPs