Partially reduced Ni-containing phyllosilicate structures enhance catalytic performance
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.

Behind the Science: Promoting the Water-Gas Shift Reaction

TUM DeSal Challenge 2016 – Progress Update
Preparing for the finals of TUM's student competition on seawater desalination

From Research to Industry
J. Nielsen, Sweden, about his career and how to transfer fascinating research results into a successful biotech company

TUM DeSal Challenge 2016 – First Experiences
Student competition on seawater desalination

Behind the Science: Sustainable Chemical Building Blocks from Lignin
Turning a waste product from the paper industry into a valuable chemical feedstock

Chemistry Drives Innovation
Entrepreneurship in chemical training and importance of start-ups for innovation

Ph.D. Career Opportunities
Interview with Dr. Vincent Mignotte, Executive Director of an organization that helps enhance the career development of Ph.D.s

Behind the Science: Changing the Selectivity of Biocatalysts
Structure-guided switch in the regioselectivity of a tryptophan halogenase enzyme

Why Does C2 Cause so Many Problems?
The bonding situation in the carbon dimer is a controversial topic

Behind the Science: Complex Molecules in One Step
Palladium-catalyzed synthesis of functionalized benzimidazothiazoles