J. Uhlrich, Energy Technology, talks to G. W. Huber, University of Wisconsin–Madison, about the hydrodeoxygenation of pyrolysis oils
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.

Behind the Science: Producing Renewable Fuels from Wood

Challenge Yourself out of Your Comfort Zone
Interview with students and supervisors of an international undergraduate program

Behind the Science: Renewable Solar Cells
D. Smith, ChemSusChem, talks to M.-M. Titirici and J. Briscoe about carbon nanodot solar cells from renewable precursors

The Plus of Networking Between Scientists
Marisa Spiniello, Editor of ChemPlusChem, about the challenge to publish truly multidisciplinary papers

Flow Chemistry Is a Game Changer
Jean-Christophe Monbaliu, Berlgium, about developing new methods for organic synthesis

Quantum Physics, Philosophy, and Understanding Our World
What does quantum physics mean for our understanding of the world? For the general public, the scientist, the philosopher

The Digital Future of Organic & Medicinal Chemistry
Influence of computer technology and future vision of an organic/medicinal chemistry lab in the eyes of a Ph.D. student

Behind the Science: Gold Nanostructures in Biomedicine
C. Cobley, ChemNanoMat, talks to Y. Xia about radiolabeled gold nanocages for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of tumors in vivo

Behind the Science: Tuberculosis and Antibiotics Research
D. Peralta, ChemMedChem, talks to R. Hartmann about the discovery of the first Mycobacterium tuberculosis anti-infectives

Behind the Science: Photoelectrochemical Cells for Water Splitting
Novel approach to achieving overall water splitting instead of only hydrogen generation