S. Dubourg about the strategies of the EU and BASF to combine economic success, social responsibility, and environmental protection
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.

Global Currency of Trust for Chemicals

Eye-Catching Article Summary
Jean-François Nierengarten, France, talks about using short videos to summarize main findings of a research study

Behind the Science: Synthesis of Disulfide-Bridged Cryptophanes
A. Nijs, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, talked to J.-C. Chambron, France, about cryptophanes and disulfide bonds

Behind the Science: Recycling Phosphine Oxides
S. Turba, ZAAC, talked to J. C. Slootweg, University of Amsterdam, about the reduction of tertiary phosphine oxides

Frontrunner in Fuel Sustainability
Inspiring manager Sari Mannonen is responsible for the innovative, wood-based renewable diesel UPM BioVerno

The Strength of Chemistry in France
G. Chambaud-Debrabant, President of the French Chemical Society, about the society's activities, its challenges, and the place of chemists in modern society

Physical Chemists Run on Coffee
Peter Gilch, University of Düsseldorf, talks about his research group, their eye-catching website, and his research

Behind the Science: Supported MOFs for Industrial Applications
A. Itken-Fuder, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, talks to J. Coronas, Universidad de Zaragoza, about MOF thin films

The March for Science Continues
Interview with Eva Haas, EMBL, Heidelberg, about organizing the Science March and follow-up plans

13C NMR Spectroscopic Data Verification Tool
W. Robien, University of Vienna, Austria, talks about his motivations for developing the system and how it came into being