J. Faiz and K. Meyer talked to Eva Hevia, UK, about her recent Angewandte paper and gender equality
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.

Behind the Science: Regioselective Functionalization of Fluoroarenes by Direct Ferration

Jong-KVCV: Spotlight on Chemistry and Future Scientists
Members of the Youth Division of the Royal Flemish Chemical Society (Jong-KVCV) talk about their motivations and work

The Charm and Appeal of Organic Chemistry
Interview with Phil Baran, who is well known for the synthesis of complex molecules

Speeding Up DFT Calculations with Machine Learning
Kieron Burke, UC Irvine, about using machine learning to create density functionals

Behind the Science: Main Group Metals for Homogeneous Catalysis
A. Deveson, Chemistry – A European Journal, talked to R. Mulvey, UK, about alkali-metal hydride surrogates for catalysis

Behind the Science: Copper Binding to Amyloid-β Peptides
A. Itken-Fuder, EurJIC, talks to C. Hureau, University of Toulouse, about the binding of copper to peptides involved in Alzheimer's disease

Unique Way of Communicating Science
F. Haffner talks about her non-profit journal Esperluette that acquaints both scientists and artists with scientific research

IUPAC's 100-Year Anniversary
Javier Garcia Martinez, member of the Executive Committee and the Bureau of IUPAC, about the goals and tasks of IUPAC

Behind the Science: Extraction of Phosphate from Waste Materials
B. Böck, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, talked to M. Bertau, Germany, about an innovative industrial process

Taking Responsibility for Society
T. Lindhorst, President of the German Chemical Society (GDCh), talks about the Society’s anniversary, responsibilities, future visions