Cordula Buse, ChemBioEng Reviews, talked to Benjamin Katryniok, University of Lille, France, about the dehydration of lactic acid
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.

Behind the Science: Catalytic Challenges: Lactic Acid to Acrylic Acid

Using Science to Detect Art Forgery in Paintings
Jehane Ragai about the science behind forgery, what fascinates her about this topic, and her scientific career path

The Importance of Nobel Prizes for Today's Research
Talking with Nobel Prize Committee member Jan Bäckvall and with Ken Houk, author of the first article in the review series "The Nobel Legacy"

Behind the Science: β-Amino Acid Replacements in Protein Loops
Ruben Ragg, ChemBioChem, talked to Katrina Forest, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, about β-amino acid substitutions

Polyoxometalate Octagenarians
Interview with polyoxometalate chemists about the fascination and future trends of their research field

Facilitating Learning and Teaching
David Shallcross speaks about an app for rapid feedback on oral presentations he has developed and other teaching ideas

Behind the Science: Outstanding Mono-Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling Reaction
A. Dragan, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, talked to J.-M. Lu, China, about novel NHC–Pd(II) complexes

Art Bridging Science and Society
Founder of a residency program to acquaint artists with scientists talk about their vision and what they have achieved so far

Haymo Ross: New Editor-in-Chief of Chemistry – A European Journal
ChemPubSoc Europe and Wiley-VCH have named Dr. Haymo Ross as Editor-in-Chief of Chemistry – A European Journal

Challenging and Fascinating Journey with ECHA
Geert Dancet, first Executive Director of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) about the success and challenges of ECHA