M. Kraume, TU Berlin, on trends in chemical engineering, his motivation, and the (German) chemical engineering community
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.
Chemical Engineering Never Gets Boring
We Have Cookies And Beer!
Nicola Cavallini, winner of the ChiMiCapisce Competition, on science communication, Monty Python, and chemometrics
What Is Quantum Crystallography?
A. Genoni and S. Grabowsky on the definition of and fascination with quantum crystallography and the future of this emerging field
Behind the Science: Nanofiltration‐Like Forward-Osmosis Membranes for Wastewater Treatment
C. Buse, Chem. Eng. Technol., talked to W.-J. Lau, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, about his work on osmosis
Three Generations of Organic Chemists
R. Huisgen, M. Breugst, H.-U. Reissig about their research and what they have learned and envy from each other
Commitment to European Chemistry
F. De Angelis, Italy, on EuCheMS, ChemPubSoc Europe, the Italian Chemical Society, and his motivation for society work
The Power of Chemistry for Humanity
President of the Italian Chemical Society, Angela Agostiano, about her vision for chemical societies and the societal importance of chemistry
Emergency Diver, Chemical Engineer, Scholarship Holder
K. Westkamp on his social engagement as swift water specialist and emergency diver, and his already notable career path
Behind the Science: Cheap and Diastereoselective ß-Lactam Formation
Karen Hindson, EurJIC, talked to Bas de Bruin, University of Amsterdam, about his article on a one-pot route to ß-lactams, amides, and esters
Behind the Science: Catalytic Challenges: Lactic Acid to Acrylic Acid
Cordula Buse, ChemBioEng Reviews, talked to Benjamin Katryniok, University of Lille, France, about the dehydration of lactic acid