D. Peralta, ChemMedChem, talked to H.-S. Chong, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA, about her work on antibody‐targeted cancer therapy
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.
Behind the Science: Antibody‐Targeted Cancer Therapy
Problem-Oriented Learning with Activated Students
Volker C. Hass developed a training simulator allowing to play through the entire process of producing biotechnological products
First Angewandte Editor Based in China
Dr. Xin Su is the first Editor of Angewandte Chemie based outside Germany
Chemists Are Increasingly Willing to Try New Things
Interview with Neville Compton, Editor-in-Chief of Angewandte Chemie
Behind the Science: When a Nanoparticle Hits an Electrode
K. Lawrence, ChemElectroChem, talked to K. Tschulik, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, about her work on nano impact experiments
Benefits of a Mentee and a Mentor
Julia Tyrach and Markus Haider share their experiences with CheMento
Authoring Olympiad-Level Chemistry Exams
Three members of the team speak about their experiences and motivations
Digitalization of the Process Industry
N. Kockmann about his ideas on digitalization in industry and at universities, life-long learning, and the history of process engineering
Behind the Science: Dissolved Oxygen Influences Magnesium Corrosion
K. Lawrence, ChemistryOpen, talked to E. Silva, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany, about his work on corrosion
Bringing Ethics in Chemistry to Universities
Dr. Jan Mehlich has recorded a unique online class on ethics in chemistry