David Zielinski watched people with top-notch presentation skills to find out what it needs to become a master presenter
Explaining the science behind everyday phenomena in an accessible way.
7 Tips to Become a Master Presenter
Tips for Your Poster and Your Presentation
R. Threlfall, Editor of the Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, gives you some tips on how to plan and design an outstanding poster
Tips for Your Poster: Planning Your Poster (2)
What makes an outstanding poster that invites others to take interest in your research
Tips for Your Poster: Writing a Conference Abstract (1)
The first thing that you’ll do for a conference presentation is to write your abstract – an advertisement for your work
The Biochemistry of Peppers – Part 2
We are only able to taste sweet, bitter, sour, salty, and umami – how do we taste hotness?
The Biochemistry of Peppers
How is it that only plants from the genus Capsicum are able to synthesize compounds that sting one’s tongue so intensely?
Vitamin C Deficiency – Part 4
How much vitamin C do we need in our modern food?
Vitamin C Deficiency – Part 3
Looking at the chemical and physiological properties of vitamin C and at how it intervenes in many biochemical processes
Vitamin C Deficiency – Part 2
When scurvy was identified as a form of malnutrition, an exciting race for the isolation, structure determination, and synthesis of vitamin C started
Vitamin C Deficiency
It took hundred of years and a long sequence of small advantages and missed opportunities to discover the importance of vitamin C