I have seen again and again that there is always progress in HPLC technology
Expert perspectives on the current state of research, future directions, challenges, experiences, and ongoing community discussions.
Incredible Things are Possible with HPLC
HPLC Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
I was always interested in the development of coupled techniques and their applications in the study of natural complex matrices
Adventures in Separation Science and Technology
Research and development of HPLC adsorbents and columns with tailored surface chemistries and different column formats
Lessons Learnt from HPLC
During the past 25 years that I have been using HPLC, there have been enormous advances made
HPLC became an important part of my life and, thanks to the international symposia, opened a door which allowed me to discover the world
Antimicrobial Alloys
Copper alloys are being investigated for antibacterial applications
Importance of Crash Safety for Future Urban Traffic
Making vehicles lighter and smaller can not only save energy and protect the environment, but can also reduce the risk of traffic injuries
Safer Chemicals with Less Animal Testing
How can science help to avoid animal studies when evaluating chemicals safety?
Membrane Science: A Solution for Major Global Challenges
Current trends in membrane science aim to tackle major issues by means of innovative membrane technologies for the separation and purification of highly valuable products or the removal of unwanted species
Doctorate Holders, Steer Your Career
Help for Ph.D. degree holders to achieve a smooth transition into the business sector