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A curated selection of articles, videos and Quizzes on a specific topic.

Student Career Resources

Chemistry & Sports
A compilation of articles on chemistry related to sports

Chemistry Europe Virtual Events
Virtual symposia and talks organized by the editorial offices and board members of Chemistry Europe journals

SARS-CoV-2 Virus
What we know about the coronavirus and COVID-19

Chemical Knowledge for New Year’s Eve
Fireworks, sparklers, sparkling wine, champagne, ... there is chemistry involved everywhere

Chemistry & Art
A compilation of articles on chemistry in artworks, on art inspired by chemistry, about the work of scientific teams in museums

Chemistry & Cinema
A compilation of articles on chemistry in the movies

Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Collection of interviews with Nobel Laureates, Nobel Prize quizzes, and all the fascinating details surrounding the prestigious award

Chemical Process Safety – Test Your Knowledge
Chemical process safety has become a widespread, international concern and receives high attention within the chemical industry

Historical Facts of the GDCh
Foundation of the society and the history of its journals, divisions, young chemists group, presidents, etc.