Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) is the European Union chemicals regulation
Visual explanations of scientific topics in image format.

REACH – An Overview

Amount and Composition of Global Water
The Earth's surface is 71 % water, yet only 0.3 ‰ of this is accessible as fresh water

How Wind Turbines Work
The diameter of wind turbines rotors has doubled each decade, helping capture stronger winds at higher elevations

Biofuels Compared
Not all biofuels are created equal. A look at the milage, potential greenhous gas reduction, and fuel blends of different biofuels

What Makes a Candle Flame?
The different reaction zones of a candle flame and its heat and mass transfer pathways

Places of Production of the Elements
Maps showing the location of the main producers of elements and the amounts produced

Places of Discovery of the Elements
All 92 naturally occurring elements were identified in Europe while the artificial elements were mostly discovered in the USA

Do You Fit The Angewandte Mold?
Do all chemists like sushi? Do they have a typical hobby? And if so, what is it? ChemViews finds out ...

Ionic Radii of the Elements
Ionic radii vary with coordination number, spin state, and other parameters but periodic trends can be recognized

Atomic Radii of the Elements
Atomic radii of the main group elements vary in a predictable and explicable manner across the periodic table