How does the oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids work?
Visual explanations of scientific topics in image format.

The Oxidation of Alcohols

How Does a Touchscreen Work?
Resistive and capacitive touchscreens explained

X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
Graphical description of surface-sensitive spectroscopic technique

Basic Tips: Write Better Research Papers
Figurative summary on main tips to improve your writing

Chemistry Advent Calendar 2016
Three chemistry highlights per week – check what is behind today's door

The Chemistry of Pools
How does swimming pool sanitation work?

Nicotine – Chemistry of Smoking
Why do we smoke nicotine and do not inject it? How does an e-cigarette work?

Spread Joy on Valentine’s Day
On Valentine's Day everybody can spread joy – even in the lab

Chemistry Advent Calendar 2015
Prepare for the holidays with this calendar of chemistry highlights

Blood Types and Carbohydrate Chemistry
Simple carbohydrates play an important part in the AB0 blood types