Fluorescence lights up cells programmed to die
Press releases featuring articles published in Chemistry Europe and GDCh journals.
Dying Brightly
It All Depends on the Length
Chemical functionalization of ‘toxic’ long carbon nanotubes reduces their effective length and alleviates asbestos-like pathogenicity
Clogged Pores for Increased Effectiveness
Whey protein stabilizes nanotransporter and controls pH-dependent drug release
Beer's Bitter
The absolute configurations of the bitter acids of hops determined
Inspired by a Breakwater
Highly efficient electrocatalyst for the reduction of oxygen in fuel cells and batteries
Lure for Diatoms
Diatom sex pheromone isolated and characterized
pH Sensor for Cell Organelles
pH-dependent conformation change controls energy transfer in nanocrystal sensors
A Fragrance That Breaks the Rules
Synthetic analogue of the vetiver oil odorant, used in perfumes like Ralph Lauren's ‘Polo’ and Chanel N°5, has proven the vetiver rule wrong
From Rotting Mushroom to Drug?
Bacterial virulence factor of mushroom soft rot identified and could help find a drug to treat fungal infections in humans
A Bright Future for Silicon
The first ordered Si nanocrystal arrays may provide a new platform to study and tailor the light-emitting properties of silicon