Expert analysis and commentary on newly published science books and textbooks.

The Book that Should Be on the Desk of Every Government and International Organization
A review of "The Decarbonization Delusion—What 3.5 Billion Years of Biological Sustainability Can Teach Us" by Andrew Moore

Max von Laue – Furchtlos und Treu
Silvio R. Dahmen, Brazil, reviews a biography of Physics Nobel Laureate Max von Laue

The Scientist and the Forger
Krister Holmberg reviews the book "The Scientist and the Forger: Probing a Turbulent Art World" by Jehane Ragai

Chemistry Education: Best Practices, Opportunities and Trends
Holger Butenschön, Germany, reviews a book on the latest developments in chemistry learning and teaching

Computational Organic Chemistry
J. E. Hums, Germany, reviews the book "Computational Organic Chemistry" by Steven M. Bachrach

The Last Alchemist in Paris
Henning Hopf, Germany, reviews the book "The Last Alchemist in Paris & Other Curious Tales from Chemistry" by Lars Öhrström

The Portable Chemist’s Consultant
Yoshihiro Ishihara, Ana Montero, and Phil S. Baran's book is reviewed by Robert Webster, Henrik Teller, and Thomas Krämer, Germany

Modern Tools for the Synthesis of Complex Bioactive Molecules
Application of innovative modern synthetic methods and techniques for preparing natural products and other compounds of biological and pharmacological interest

Experiment!: Planning, Implementing and Interpreting
Book said to allow getting new research done that you can publish, quicker and smarter. … it's a clearly written, intelligent guide

Chemistry in Theatre
Carl Djerassi's latest book, Chemistry in Theatre, is reviewed by Stefan Böschen, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany

Organic Chemistry
Textbook for undergraduate students is reviewed by Annaliese K. Franz, University of California, Davis, USA

Writing Chemistry Patents and Intellectual Property
Book on how to write chemistry patents is reviewed by S. Manyem and C. Goddard, Fish & Richardson P.C., Boston, USA

Supramolecular Photochemistry
Book on controlling photochemical processes is reviewed by Alberto Credi, University di Bologna, Italy

Dendrimers—Towards Catalytic, Material and Biomedical Uses
Book on dendrimers and their applications is reviewed by Mauri Kostiainen, Aalto University, Finland

Fragments of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes
Book that looks at the rapidly growing interest in open geodesic polyaromatic molecules is reviewed by Fabien Durola, France

Organic Syntheses Based on Name Reactions
Book detailing 750 named organic transfomations is reviewed by Ulrich Hennecke, Westflische Wilhelms University, Münster, Germany

Kinetics of Chemical Reactions
Book looking at experimental and theoretical kinetic methods is reviewed by Frerich Keil, Germany

Fischer-Tropsch Refining
Book covering the production and refining of Fischer-Tropsch syncrude is reviewed by Malcolm Green, UK

Designing Dendrimers
Book on developments in the field of dendrimers and is reviewed by David K. Smith, University of York, UK