Angewandte Chemie 9/2025: Superior Chemistry

Angewandte Chemie 9/2025: Superior Chemistry

Author: Angewandte Chemie International Edition

In this issue, Peter J. Sadler et al. review photoactivatable metallodrugs, and Jin Xie et al. summarize photoinduced late-stage radical decarboxylative and deoxygenative coupling of complex carboxylic acids and their derivatives. The Minireview deals with photoacids, photobases, and their applications in functional dynamic systems (Anna Yucknovsky, Nadav Amdursky).

In the original research section, Marcus W. Drover et al. describe CO2 reduction at a borane-modified iron complex, by a secondary coordination sphere strategy (see picture). Lydia H. Wong et al. succeeded in the cation-migration-induced lattice oxygen oxidation in spinel oxide for the oxygen evolution reaction. Sophia Y. Lunt et al. present next-generation photosensitizers: cyanine–carborane salts for the photodynamic therapy of metastatic cancer. Joseph S. Francisco et al. report the rapid formation of N2O from N2 on water droplet surfaces.


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