Angewandte Chemie 42/2024: Amplifying Chemistry

Angewandte Chemie 42/2024: Amplifying Chemistry

Author: Angewandte Chemie International Edition

In this issue, Yanli Zhao et al. review artificial polymerizations in living organisms for biomedical applications. The Minireview deals with substituted maleimides as self-reportable linkers in tags in bioconjugation, materials science, and nanotechnology (Rachel K. O’Reilly et al.).

Dehai Li et al. report the discovery, total synthesis, and anti-inflammatory evaluation of naturally occurring naphthopyrone–macrolide hybrids as potent NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitors (see picture). Éva Tóth et al. used a small fluorinated Mn2+ chelate as an efficient 1H and 19F MRI probe. Katsunori Tanaka et al. developed an in-vivo synthetic antitumor approach by resourcing mouse blood albumin as a biocompatible artificial metalloenzyme. Henry S. La Pierre et al. present a four-coordinate Pr4+ imidophosphorane complex.


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