Angewandte Chemie 41/2024: First Row

Angewandte Chemie 41/2024: First Row

Author: Angewandte Chemie International Edition

In this issue, Tom Baker and Loïc P. Mangin review roles of fluorometallacycles in first-row metal-complex-catalyzed reactions. Itamar Willner et al. summarize basic principles and applications of DNA tetrahedra as functional nanostructures. Sudhir Kumar Hota and Sandip Murarka highlight cost-effective carbon quaternizations with redox-active esters and olefins. Hans-Gert Korth points out disagreement of ESR spectra reported for reactive intermediates claimed to be produced by 730 nm irradiation of an iridium(III) complex in a Correspondence.

In the original research section, Shujiang Ding et al. describe the regulation of Zn2+ migration–diffusion by spontaneous cascade optimization for long-life and low N/P ratio zinc ion batteries. Luc Avérous et al. present a benign and selective amination of lignins towards aromatic biobased building blocks with primary amines. Tia E. Keyes et al. target mitochondrial guanine complexes for photoactivatable chemotherapy in hypoxic environments. Crispin Lichtenberg et al. used bismuth as a Z-type ligand in an unsupported Pt–Bi donor–acceptor interaction and its umpolung by reaction with H2 (see picture).


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