Angewandte Chemie 40/2024: Circular Chemistry

Angewandte Chemie 40/2024: Circular Chemistry

Author: Angewandte Chemie International Edition

In this issue, Guohua Zhao et al. review the in-situ production of hydroxyl radicals via three-electron oxygen reduction for water treatment. Zibiao Li et al. discuss the recyclability and material circularity of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer enabled by dynamic covalent bonds. The Minireview deals with supramolecular metalate chemistry (Jason B. Love et al.).

In the original research section, Jian-Jun Feng et al. present a divergent synthesis of sulfur-containing bridged cyclobutanes by Lewis acid catalyzed formal cycloadditions of pyridinium 1,4-zwitterionic thiolates and bicyclobutanes (see picture). Amaresh Mishra et al. found an asymmetric coumarin–anthracene conjugate to be an efficient fullerene-free acceptor for organic solar cells. Mingjie Liu et al. prepared large-area layered membranes with precisely controlled nano-confined channels. Melanie Schnell et al. investigated the structural and electronic evolution of ethanolamine upon microhydration by means of hyperfine-resolved rotational spectroscopy.


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