The event highlights recent developments in charge transport in materials, from fundamental understanding to applications, fostering knowledge exchange between academia and industry.
The conference combines two traditional scientific meetings, the 86th edition of the Prague Meeting on Macromolecules (PMM) and the 16th edition of the International Symposium on Systems with Fast Ionic Transport (ISSFIT).
- Materials for energy conversion and storage applications, including but not limited to:
– Polymer and ionic liquid-based electrolytes
– Solid-state and all-solid-state materials
– Conductive polymers - Conduction mechanisms in bulk and at surfaces/interfaces of materials – experimental and theoretical approaches
- Synthetic and analytical methods for systems with fast ionic transport
- Special focus on new trends in energy storage, sustainable materials such as post-lithium, fluorine-free or aqueous-based batteries
Spekers Include
- Dr. Isaac Abrahams (Queen Mary University of London, GB)
Will be announced later - Prof. Michel Armand (CIC energiGUNE, Spain) – OPENING LECTURE
Will be announced later - Prof. Maria Gazda (Gdańsk Tech, Poland)
Ionic and mixed conduction in oxides - Prof. Steven G. Greenbaum (Hunter College CUNY, USA)
Will be announced later - Dr. Fabian Jeschull (Karlsruhe Institut of Technology, Germany)
Following Degradation Processes in Polymer-based Solid-State, Zero-Excess Potassium Cells by In-situ and Operando Techniques - Prof. Sebastien Livi (National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon, France)
Will be announced later - Prof. Igor Lubomirsky (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
Conductivity and mechanical properties of lanthanum-cerium oxide - Prof. Sabine Ludwigs (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Mixed Electronic-Ionic Conducting Polymers for Soft Robotics - Prof. Joachim Maier (Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany)
Charge carrier thermodynamics for modern batteries - Prof. Jonas Mindemark (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Will be announced later - Prof. Janina Molenda (AGH University Krakow, Poland)
Electronic approach to the development of functional properties of cathode materials for Na-ion batteries - Dr. Luka Pavić (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia)
Electrical transport in phosphate glasses and glass-ceramics: Insights from impedance spectroscopy - Prof. Władysław Wieczorek (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
Fluorine-free salts and SEI CEI