Angewandte Chemie 8/2025: Performance Improvements

Angewandte Chemie 8/2025: Performance Improvements

Author: Angewandte Chemie International Edition

In this issue, Yang Hou et al. review performance improvements of the oxygen evolution reaction by iron. The Minireviews deal with synthetic biomolecular condensates (Shoupeng Cao et al.) as well as the integration of enzymes with reticular frameworks to govern biocatalysis (Gangfeng Ouyang et al.).

In the original research section, Hao Li et al. report on divergent activity shifts of tin-based catalysts for electrochemical CO2 reduction (see picture). Stefan Knapp et al. probed the protein kinases’ cysteinome by covalent fragments. Michael J. Katz et al. used 2H NMR as a practical tool for following MOF formation. Laurean Ilies et al. found that remote hydrogen bonding between ligand and substrate accelerates C–H bond activation and enables switchable site selectivity. Zhikun Wu et al. describe the chemical synthesis of ~1 nm multilevel capacitor-like particles with atomic precision.


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